Global Giants Gear Up to Conquer India’s Booming Market: Strategies to Tap into the Country’s Unstoppable Growth Story

Global FMCG makers sharpen strategies to tap into India growth story



The Indian FMCG market is a land of opportunities for global consumer goods companies. With its growing middle class, urbanization, and increasing purchasing power, India has emerged as a key market for many international players. As a result, global FMCG companies are sharpening their strategies to tap into this growth story, invest in the market, and expand their businesses.

Global FMCG Companies’ Strategies to Tap into India’s Growth Story

Global FMCG Companies’ Strategies to Tap into India’s Growth Story

In a recent conference, key players in the FMCG industry shared their strategies for growth in India. Dirk Van de Put, Chairman & Chief Executive Officer, Mondelez International, emphasized the company’s plans to ramp up distribution and scale up its profitable Indian business. Mondelez International is known for its popular brands such as Cadbury and Oreo. According to Van de Put, India is a "universe of 9 million stores," and the company has already added around 120,000 stores in the first half of this year.

To penetrate deeper into the Indian market, Mondelez International is focusing on adding more visi-coolers, which keep chocolate products refrigerated, in traditional and convenience stores. This strategy is expected to further increase the company’s visibility and sales in the country.

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Coca-Cola’s Focus on Clustering

Coca-Cola’s Focus on Clustering

Coca-Cola, another major FMCG player, is also focusing on growth in India. The company is segmenting the Indian market into clusters and has identified specific areas where it can accelerate growth. Henrique Gnani Braun, Executive Vice President & President-International Development, Coca-Cola, emphasized the company’s commitment to investing in India for the long-term while also leveraging the current growth momentum.

Unilever’s Bullish Outlook on India

Unilever’s Bullish Outlook on India

Unilever, another global FMCG major, is also optimistic about India’s growth potential. According to the company’s top management, India is over the tipping point, and the middle class is increasingly willing to spend more. This trend is expected to drive growth in the Indian FMCG market, particularly in the premium segment.



The Indian FMCG market is a key focus area for global consumer goods companies. With its large population, growing middle class, and increasing purchasing power, India offers immense opportunities for growth. Companies such as Mondelez International, Coca-Cola, and Unilever are already sharpening their strategies to tap into this growth story and expand their businesses in the country.

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: What are the key growth drivers in the Indian FMCG market?

The key growth drivers in the Indian FMCG market are the growing middle class, urbanization, and increasing purchasing power. These factors are expected to drive growth in the Indian FMCG market, particularly in the premium segment.

Q2: How is Mondelez International planning to penetrate deeper into the Indian market?

Mondelez International is focusing on adding more visi-coolers, which keep chocolate products refrigerated, in traditional and convenience stores. This strategy is expected to further increase the company’s visibility and sales in the country.

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Q3: What is Coca-Cola’s strategy for growth in India?

Coca-Cola is segmenting the Indian market into clusters and has identified specific areas where it can accelerate growth. The company is committing to investing in India for the long-term while also leveraging the current growth momentum.

Q4: What is Unilever’s outlook on the Indian FMCG market?

Unilever is optimistic about India’s growth potential and believes that the country has over the tipping point, with the middle class increasingly willing to spend more. This trend is expected to drive growth in the Indian FMCG market, particularly in the premium segment.

Q5: What are the opportunities and challenges for global FMCG companies in the Indian market?

The opportunities for global FMCG companies in the Indian market include the growing demand for consumer goods, the increasing purchasing power of the middle class, and the government’s efforts to ease business regulations. However, the challenges include intense competition, high operating costs, and the need to adapt to local market conditions.

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