BREAKING: Modi’s Party Uses Mosque De-Notification as Stealthy Ploy to Widen Hindutva Grip on Indian Cities – You Won’t Believe the Shocking Connection!

Himachal Pradesh: With Sanjauli mosque, BJP once again uses urban planning as a Hindutva weapon


In the picturesque state of Himachal Pradesh, a contentious issue has emerged, threatening to polarize the state’s residents. A dispute over the legality of a mosque in Sanjauli, Shimla, has sparked violent protests, with the police resorting to water cannons and baton-charging to disperse the crowds. At the heart of this controversy lies a deeper political strategy, one that seeks to exploit religious differences for electoral gain.

Illegal Construction in Shimla

Shimla, the capital of Himachal Pradesh, has long been plagued by illegal construction and bad urban planning. The city’s problems date back to the 1970s, when the first town planning act was introduced. Despite numerous attempts to regulate construction, the city remains a hotbed of illegal development, with over 25,000 structures violating building codes and safety standards.

The BJP, which has been in power in the state since 2017, has done little to address the issue. In fact, the party has been accused of exacerbating the problem by failing to enforce building regulations and instead, prioritizing electoral gains over urban planning.

The Sanjauli Mosque

The controversy surrounding the Sanjauli mosque is a symptom of a larger issue. The mosque, which dates back to 1947, has been under scrutiny since 2010, with several hearings and court orders failing to result in conclusive action. However, the issue gained sudden traction in August 2024, when a violent altercation involving a group of men associated with the mosque and local traders sparked protests and calls for the mosque’s demolition.

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The Hindu nationalist movement, led by the BJP and its allies, has seized upon the issue, framing the mosque as a symbol of encroachment and mobilizing hate politics around it. The movement’s tactics are designed to create a sense of urgency and panic, convincing voters that the mosque’s existence poses a threat to Hindu culture and way of life.

Political Vacuum, Hindutva Outreach

Himachal Pradesh has long been a political backwater, with no grassroots movement advocating for statehood or a distinct cultural identity. However, the Hindu nationalist movement has filled this vacuum, providing a narrative of cultural grievance and victimhood that resonates with many voters.

The Sanjauli mosque controversy is a classic example of this strategy, designed to create a sense of crisis and mobilize voters around a shared sense of cultural identity. The BJP and its allies are betting that this strategy will pay dividends in the next elections, as it has in other parts of the country.


The controversy surrounding the Sanjauli mosque is a stark reminder of the dangers of religious polarization and the manipulation of religious differences for political gain. As the country heads towards the next elections, it is essential that voters remain vigilant and reject attempts to divide them along religious lines. Only by doing so can we ensure that our democracy remains strong and resilient.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: What is the controversy surrounding the Sanjauli mosque?

The controversy surrounds the legality of the mosque, with some claiming that it was built illegally and violates building codes and safety standards. The mosque has been under scrutiny since 2010, with several hearings and court orders failing to result in conclusive action.

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Q2: Who is behind the protests and demands for the mosque’s demolition?

The protests and demands for the mosque’s demolition are largely driven by Hindu nationalist groups, including the BJP and its allies. These groups have seized upon the issue, framing the mosque as a symbol of encroachment and mobilizing hate politics around it.

Q3: What is the history of the Sanjauli mosque?

The Sanjauli mosque dates back to 1947, when it was built as a place of worship for the local Muslim community. Over the years, the mosque has undergone several renovations and expansions, with the most recent addition being made in 2007.

Q4: What is the response of the state government to the controversy?

The state government has taken a largely passive approach to the controversy, failing to enforce building regulations and instead, prioritizing electoral gains over urban planning. The government has also been accused of bias, with some critics charging that it is favoring Hindu nationalist groups over Muslim communities.

Q5: What are the implications of the controversy for the state’s politics?

The controversy has significant implications for the state’s politics, as it threatens to polarize the state’s residents along religious lines. The Hindu nationalist movement is likely to capitalize on the issue, using it to mobilize voters and create a sense of cultural grievance and victimhood. This could have long-term consequences for the state’s politics, potentially destabilizing the democratic fabric of the state.

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